Guardians of Recreational
Opportunities in Wilderness

In 2026, 738 hectares (or 1026 soccer fields) ​of West Bragg Creek and Moose Mountain Trails are planned to be logged.

We are not opposed to logging.

Alberta has 22.5 Million hectares of
harvestable forest.

West Fraser Timber Company (Formerly SLS) hold FMAs (the right to log) on 475,000 hectares from Waterton to Sundre.

The planned clear cut is 738 hectares in 2026, 362 hectares in West Bragg Creek and 376 hectares of Moose Mountain’s networks. 738 hectares is 0.15% of West Fraser Timber Company’s FMAs, or what they could be logging..

This clear cut will remove the majority of remaining older growth in the West Bragg and Moose Mountain area and will have an irreversible effect on the experience of outdoor recreation in the area. 

Our Mission:

As avid trail users, stakeholders, and outdoor enthusiasts we strongly believe that trees and natural forests are an essential part of an authentic outdoor experience.  These trail systems have been developed over the last 15 years through:
  • Volunteer run trail societies and user groups
  • Collaboration with government
  • Fundraising initiatives
  • Government grants/support
Collectively, GROW does not want to see the trails that have been developed through countless hours of volunteer work get logged Logging will negatively impact a vast usership of trail runners, mountain bikers, mushroom pickers, equestrians, hikers, xc skiers, snowshoers, and everyone that enjoys the  outdoors. This area has become the main non-motorized outdoor recreation destination for the greater Calgary area, a population that exceeds two million people. This initiative was created to educate other trail users about what is going on and serve as an advocacy group to stop the planned harvest from happening in 2025/2026.


Things you can do:

Sign the petition.

Every signature not only amplifies our message but also demonstrates the collective care and concern, adding weight to our cause.
18,836 / 25,000 People Have Signed 75%
We have started a petition on It would mean the world to us if you could sign the petition today.

Write your MLA

  1. First, find out who your MLA is using this resource:

  2. Next, write them an email that expresses what this trail system means to you and how it would affect you if all of the trees were removed. 

  3. We reccomend CC’ing the MLA for the Banff/Kananaskis region, Sarah Elmeligi (

Spread the word!

This can be done via word of mouth, social media, email, snail mail, or any other platform that can be used to reach those that care.


To ensure your letter is read and considered, please do the following: 

Click here to look up your local MLA and make sure you CC them on the email with your letter.

Please ensure you include the following info:

  • You Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Phone Number
  • The Date
  • And Your Signature!

Here are the groups and stakeholders that may be keen to hear what you have to say:

West Fraser Timber Company (WFTC)

305 Griffin Rd W
Cochrane, Alberta
Canada, T4C 2C4

Bragg Creek Trails Association (BCTA)

BCTA represents the West Bragg Creek Trails that are scheduled to be logged.

Moose Mountain Bike Trail Society (MMBTS)

MMBTS represents the trails on Moose Mountain that are scheduled to be logged.

Want to contact all of them at once?

Click the button below to email your concerns to all parties involved.

Got writer's block?

We’ve got you. Here’s a sample letter you can use as inspiration with the correct formatting.

Click the button in the text area below to copy it to your clipboard so you can begin your letter.

					​[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, Province, Postal Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
Premier of Alberta
Office of the Premier
307 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6
Subject: [Title your letter]
Honourable Premier Smith,
I am writing to [Express your reasons why this place is special to you and the effect the logging will have on that]
First and foremost, it is crucial to highlight the significant disparity in land allocation between West Fraser Timber Company and the Outdoor Recreation sector. West Fraser Timber Company holds two forest management agreements covering a vast 475,000 hectares of land from Waterton to Sundre. In contrast, this clear-cut logging operation, only covers 900 hectares (a mere 0.19% of their management area) yet it would decimate the majority of the remaining old-growth forest in the second most popular trail network in Alberta.
Over the years, two volunteer organizations have invested an astounding $6.5 million dollars and dedicated over 100,000 volunteer hours to create and maintain the trail network in this region. Their tireless efforts have transformed the area into a beloved destination, attracting over 1,000 visitors per day on average (West Bragg Creek alone had 293,000 visitors in 2020). The popularity of this outdoor recreation hotspot speaks volumes about its appeal and the value it holds for residents and tourists alike.
The outdoor recreation industry plays a pivotal role in our economy, generating substantial revenue and providing employment opportunities. The Tourism Industry Association of Alberta recently conducted a report on the Alberta’s Crown Land Outdoor Recreation Economy. The size of the industry revealed is astounding:
36,000 full time jobs, 
$510 Million in tax revenue and, 
contributing $2.8 Billion to Alberta’s GDP. 
The West Bragg and Moose Mountain area, with its thriving trail network and natural attractions, is a key contributor to this industry. The proposed logging plan jeopardizes the economic prosperity that the outdoor recreation sector brings to our province.
It is essential to consider the historical significance and intent of Kananaskis as envisioned by Premier Lougheed. Since 1977, the government has identified watershed integrity as the highest priority use for this region of the province, followed by public recreation and tourism. They also acknowledged that, “not all objectives will necessarily be achieved in all areas.” (Policy for Resource Management of the Eastern Slopes, introduced by Premier Lougheed). More recently, the Regional Advisory Council advised:

​“Primary Issues: Currently the planning, supply and management of recreation opportunities do not meet existing or projected demand, especially when considering expected population growth in the Calgary area. The challenge is maintaining the integrity of the region’s most important recreation resources, degradation of regionally significant scenic areas and maintaining a supply of parks, open spaces and recreation infrastructure to meet current and projected demands.” (Section 6.4 Recreation and Tourism – Advice to the Government of Alberta for the SSRP)

​ The proposed clear-cut logging plan stands in stark contrast to this vision, undermining the legacy of Premier Lougheed and the essence of what Kananaskis represents.
While logging has been conducted in the area in the past to build FireSmart containment lines, it is crucial to recognize that this harvest will not contribute to FireSmart practices. Instead, it will be conducted under standard harvest practices, despite the fire risk it will present to the community of Bragg Creek. More concerning is that this cut will not be following the Alberta Forest Management Planning Standard: 
5.9.5 Green-up constraints acceptable to Alberta have been applied.
The green-up period is the time during which harvesting of adjacent areas is not permitted.
1. The default green-up periods for Alberta harvested areas are 20 years for coniferous and 10 years for deciduous.
The green-up constraints may be altered as long as the result is acceptable. The minimum criteria for acceptability of alternate strategies are:
a. The opening size predicted for the first two 20-year periods falls within the natural range of variability (NRV). Analyses of the forest cover inventory in the area will provide guidance regarding acceptable opening sizes, and,
The distribution of proposed harvesting is generally acceptable to stakeholders, or,
c. A biodiversity analysis acceptable to Alberta has been completed.
This harvest will be located adjacent two other large harvests that were conducted in 2012/2014 and leave the entire area west of Bragg Creek with very little biodiversity for the next 100 years until it is mature enough to be sequenced to harvest again. 
Considering the popularity of this area, the lack of biodiversity will have severe environmental implications. Grizzly bears are attracted to clear cuts and the trails, particularly in the Moose Mountain area, are designed for high speed Mountain Biking. This is a serious safety concern as these trails are incompatible with a significant bear population and will result in tragic conflicts. The strain on the environment resulting from the extensive recreational activities will also be exponentially compounded by the proposed logging, further disrupting the delicate ecological balance and undermining efforts to maintain the natural integrity of the region.
In conclusion, we strongly urge the government to reconsider the clear-cut logging plan and explore alternative strategies that prioritize the preservation of the natural environment, honor the history and intent of Kananaskis, and recognize the immense value of the outdoor recreation industry. We implore you to consider the small area dedicated to outdoor recreation in comparison to the extensive area allocated to West Fraser Timber Company. Furthermore, it is imperative to address the concerns raised regarding the environmental stress caused by the high number of visitors and how logging would exponentially compound these issues.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We urgently request your intervention and decisive action to protect this invaluable natural area, ensure the long-term sustainability of outdoor recreation in Alberta, and not approve this harvest.
[your name]
I hereby give permission to have this letter tabled in the Alberta Legislature.

Next steps:

The logging company is obliged to hold their next round of public/stakeholder engagement in Spring 2024. 

West Fraser Timber Company is holding an open house on May 8th for public consultation. 

GROW would love to have you join us to ensure your concerns are heard.

We are also planning a hike/ride/march up Moose Mountain Road on May 9th in protest of the propsed harvest.

Expect to hear from us through our social media outlets and our newsletter in the weeks to come!