Introducing: G.R.O.W

Guardians of Recrational Opportunities in Wilderness

As avid trail users, stakeholders, and outdoor enthusiasts we strongly believe that trees and natural forests are an essential part of an authentic outdoor experience. 

We aren’t opposed to logging and have nothing against the industry, but we believe the proposed logging plans of West Fraser Timber Company (formerly Spray Lakes Sawmills or SLS for short) is a short sighted move.

There are a ton of incredible trails that have been build through countless hours of sweat equity from volunteers, fundraising, government collaboration and more. 

For these trails to be logged would significantly alter the experience we have enjoying them and they wouldn’t be the same during our lifetime. 

This is our first update of many, please stay tuned for more information. 

In the meantime, we welcome you to learn more about us here: About Us

Thank you, 
